Image License

This page documents the license under which you can use my images.

Under appropriate copyright laws I maintain copyright to all my images.

I take pictures because it brings joy to my heart. I like doing it, and I like others enjoying my pictures. I do spend money (and time) doing it.

<h3 id="summary"> The Short Form</h3>

If you're just going to personally enjoy, please do so with my blessing. If you're going to repost or display, at least give me credit and perhaps a contribution. If you're going to profit from it arrange for me to do so as well.

Here are some of the details:

First of all, if you need a higher resolution image than is available on the site please contact me and we'll work it out. This applies to all the uses below.

<h3 id="desktop"> Desktop/Screensaver/share with friends</h3>

If you want to

Just use and enjoy.

<h3 id="repost"> Reposts &amp; Clipart</h3>

If you want to

(e.g. powerpoint) and you're using my picture only to illustrate your point or otherwise decorate your presentation.

Please attribute the picture appropriately. A simple "Photo curtesy of Dewey Sasser" will suffice or you can make sure the embedded copyright message is readable. If convenient a link to my site would be cool but don't blow the flow of your site to do it. And end-note in a presentation is OK.

From here out we're starting to tread the realm of commercial photography.

<h3 id="frame"> Frame and Display</h3>

If you want to

Thank you for valuing my images. You're quite welcome to hang the picture though I would appreciate some contribution. Photography is not inexpensive and this would be a great way to encourage me to do more of it or simply express your appreciation that I was doing it in the first place.

The best way to make a paper copy is to ask me for one. In order to save my server space and your download time the images I put on the web site are fairly low resolution and wouldn't make a good print wider than about 3" even if you have a nice photo printer -- they've also had some work done to make them nicer for computer screens which won't make them nicer for paper.

As you might imagine, I do have a fairly nice photo printer (The 7 color Epson R800 ) that is good photo quality and can do up to 8x10. There's a pro-lab down the street with a 36" roll fed printer than can do much larger.

(Warning, however: I rather doubt any of my prints could be pushed past 11"x14" if you're viewing at arms length -- further viewing distences allow greater enlargment.) Some of the extreme crops won't even got to 8x10 for arms-length viewing.

Note that I'm not likely to accept such a contribution from personal friends, though I am likely to accept it from my kids grandparents. Such are the inconsistencies of life but I probably do a lot more prints for grandparents than for friends.

<h3 id="exhibition"> Exhibition &amp; Commercial Use</h3>

If you want to use my image in some commercial fashion, such as

then please contact me and we'll work out fair compensation. If you're getting paid for it then I really should, too. I'm not likely to be greedy. It's not like I think I'm Ansel Adams...

(last updated 2006-11-19 18:48 GMT )