Aviation Weather

Places for Weather

Weather Underground

A Weather Channel competitor. Better access to data. This is the link to my area. I usually start with this as an overview.


The Aviation Weather Digital Data Service. A most excellent collection of tools.

The Weather Channel web site (Auburn)

I don't go here any more. They want to own my eyeballs. I want to get info. Use Weather Underground instead.


I subscribed for one trip (a long one -- Spencer, MA to Louisville, KY and back). I ended up deviating so much that the plans were useless. I do like the way they present weather, though.

Yes, this is current

<figure height="300" width="300"> <link href="http://www.weatherunderground.com/US/Region/Northeast/Fronts.html"> <image width="248" height="192" src="http://maps.wunderground.com/data/images/ne_sf.gif"/> </link> <caption> Current NE Fronts (<link href="http://www.weatherunderground.com">Weather Underground</link>) </caption> </figure>

<figure height="300" width="300"> <link href="http://adds.aviationweather.gov/airmets/"> <image src="http://adds.aviationweather.gov/data/airmets/airmets_ALL_sm.gif"/> </link> <caption> Airmets (<link href="http://adds.aviationweather.gov">ADDS</link>) </caption> </figure>

<figure height="300" width="300"> <link href="./MetarsPage.html"> <image width="250" height="250" src="http://adds.aviationweather.gov/data/metars/sfc_alb.gif"/> </link> <caption> METARS</caption> </figure>

<figure height="300" width="300"> <link href="http://weather.noaa.gov/radar/latest/DS.p19r0/si.kbox.shtml"> <image width="250" height="250" src="http://weather.noaa.gov/radar/images/DS.p19r0/SI.kbox/latest.gif" /> </link> <caption> Radar (<link href="http://adds.aviationweather.gov">ADDS</link>) </caption> </figure>

(last updated 2006-11-19 13:55 GMT )